Barbara Boxer cares more about Pakistan than California

S. 120: Malala Yousafzai Scholarship Act

Senator Boxer introduced a bill today to provide scholarships to Pakistani women to get access to education in Pakistan. Boxer requests the authorization of $400,000 for the fiscal year of 2013 and $400,000 for the fiscal year of 2014. $400,000 for the fiscal year of 2015, and $400,000 for the fiscal year of 2016.

I looked at the bill carefully. There is significant evidence that indicates that these Pakistani women are in serious need of education and that the education will improve the lives of the women in the program. But I would add, where should our tax dollars really go? To improve the lives of women in Pakistan or to improve schools here in California, where the children of American tax payers have the same needs as the women of Pakistan.

If you are a Californian, please read this bill summary. You need to really dig into the actions of your elected officials so you can make the most informed decision about who you send to the Senate.

Our House of Representatives Lois Capps does not think that it is important to have a balanced budget. She voted against HR 444 - To require that, if the President's fiscal year 2014 budget does not achieve balance in a fiscal year covered by such a budget, the President shall submit a supplemental unified budget by April 1st, 2013, which idnetifies a fiscal year in which balance is achieved. Here is the vote tally. You can check to see if how your House Representative voted.


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